Well, it doesn't get old. Scams continue. Here is what the next group of scammers are called: First Security Preparation, http://firstsecurityprep.com/ , but what you should know is in the best website when it comes to scams. This website is Ripoff Report (i.e. http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/1st-security-preparation-and-placement-inc/new-york-new-york-10018/1st-security-preparation-and-placement-inc-they-just-got-me-for-a-70-reg-fee-after-i-fo-600106)
Please do read this article because what you will find is the same story with all. Luring people down to their office with a small fee then a large fee. The large fee is typically right after they have sold you into a package for security guard training. You will also find all of these companies have been houses in the same 250 W address in New York, New York. It is time for piece of mind
Please be careful! These scammers will simply not stop. Report it to your Attorney General. Please I urge you do voice your concern as it is the only way it will slow and eventually end these scammers!